« Womens in Action » : an European history, an inspiring comic !

Let yourself be guided by the story of four women entrepreneurs : Uxia – a Spanish activist for ecology, Gaëlle – a French woman passionate about creative tourism, Kerstin – a German photographer and Zohra – a fan of new technologies.


Created as part of the ERASMUS + project « WomEn entREpreneurs IN action » (WE’RE IN !), this comic book aims to encourage women to start businesses.

Eléo Conseil leads the « WE’RE IN ! » project. « WE’RE IN ! » is a collaborative training and awareness project for women entrepreneurs involving 5 European partners : a German university, a Spanish university and a business confederation , a Belgian association and finally the business Incubactor of Saint-Etienne de MontLuc (44).

Discover our free training courses on entrepreneurship :https://www.lincubacteur.fr/were-in...

Read the comic book

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