What is #NextGenerationEU ?
It is a temporary €750 billion stimulus instrument to help repair the immediate economic and social damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
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The European Commission has approved the French #NextGenerationEU recovery plan
Creative Europe, the European funding programs for the Cultural and Creation sectors, has launched its first calls for proposals with a budget of 300 millions € !
The new work programme for the first year of Creative Europe 2021-2027 is approved with a budget of €300 million.
A video of testimonials from business creators !
Our WE’RE IN ! project to promote women’s entrepreneurship has begun to achieve its goals
« Womens in Action » : an European history, an inspiring comic !
Let yourself be guided by the story of four women entrepreneurs : Uxia - a Spanish activist for ecology, Gaëlle - a French woman passionate about creative tourism, Kerstin - a German photographer and Zohra - a fan of new technologies.
New call for project ERASMUS+ 2022 !
We were looking forward to them, the call for projects and the ERASMUS + guide 2022 have just been published.
The European Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme allows youths between the ages of 18 and 30 to volunteer in other countries. Volunteering is the main activity of the programme
New Erasmus + programme 2021 - 2027 : even more ambitious !
The Erasmus + French agency organised a national online conference on January 14 to present the new Erasmus + programme for the 2021-2027 period.